Sep 10 2024 15 mins
Time and again, I’ve encountered incredibly capable women being perceived as lacking a commanding presence. This perception can be career-limiting because executive presence is deemed crucial for inspiring trust and motivating teams. Today, I want to unpack this notion and explore how every one of us can project power in our roles by embracing our big boss energy.
Women often face a double bind: we're expected to be nurturing and excel in soft skills, yet we also need to assert ourselves to be seen as leaders. If we adopt traditional leadership styles, we might be judged negatively for not being feminine enough. Conversely, if we stick to more stereotypically feminine styles, we might not be seen as leaders. This conflicting expectation makes it tough to navigate the leadership landscape.
How do we hold these conflicting truths? By understanding that being a female leader doesn’t mean compromising on our strengths. It means defining what big boss energy looks like for each of us, owning our path, and confidently stepping up when necessary.
Creating big boss energy begins with understanding our purpose – knowing what drives us. This clarity fuels our motivation and confidence, allowing us to step out of our comfort zones and assert our presence. It’s not about being loud or aggressive, but about being visible, sharing our ideas, and projecting a commanding presence.
Now, a commanding presence doesn’t mean being one-dimensional. It's about having a toolkit of skills that can be adapted to different situations. Emotional intelligence, confidence, and strong communication skills are vital. Women can command a room and lead effectively while staying empathetic and genuine to who they are.
Consider leaders like Jacinda Ardern, former PM of New Zealand, who led with strength in a very untraditional way. She showcased how to lean into one's true self and still command respect and achieve great outcomes.
So, how do we create this commanding presence and get noticed as leaders? Understand your purpose and align it with your team's vision. Communicate clearly and compellingly to engage and inspire action. Non-verbal communication also plays a significant role – your body language and energy can make a substantial impact.
We also need to be willing to push past our comfort zone. Women often fear being seen as domineering, resulting in them playing it too safe. Confidence grows from stepping out of comfort zones and practising assertiveness without aggression. It's about building capability incrementally – no one wakes up fully confident one day; it’s a process of continual growth and resilience.
Ultimately, cultivating big boss energy means standing confidently in who we are, showing up with self-awareness, and understanding our motivations. Bringing energy and enthusiasm to our roles, we become powerful forces, shifting perceptions and driving impact.
So, as we conclude, take a moment to think deeply about who you are and what that strong, confident version of you looks like. And remember leadership isn't about titles or positions. It’s about our energy, presence, and ability to effect change.
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