Feb 26 2025 87 mins
Today's Affirmation:
"She Let's Me Watch Her Mom and Pop Fight"
Writers: N. Blagman*, S. Bobrick
Although she isn't much to look at,
And she isn't very bright.
I love her, I love her,
Oh boy how I love her
'Cuz she let's me watch her mom and pop fight.
To see a lamp go through the window
And watch them kick and scratch and bite.
I love her, I love her,
Oh boy how I love her
'Cuz she lets me watch her mom and pop fight.
And Friday night,
It's something wonderful to see
When her pop comes home with
Only half his check.
We split a candy bar
And watch World War III,
It's got necking beat to heck!
I'm gonna make that gal my steady
Because they're at it every night.
I love her, I love her,
Oh boy how I love her
'Cuz she let's me watch her mom and pop fight.