Dec 05 2024 42 mins 4
In Episode #50 of Season #4, I will discuss the American Black Bear, Ursus americanus.
Your host is Tommy Fowler. I have a biology degree from the University of Kentucky and a high passion for the outdoors. I am "The Amateur Naturalist".
We will talk about:
- In tonight's episode we will talk about the American Black Bear.
- I will discuss that there are 16 species of American Black Bear.
- What do they eat?
- What eats the black bears?
- Where do they live?
- Do they attack and eat and kill humans?
- Where do they live?
- A few stories about the black bears.
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You can support the people who support the black bears by going to:
- Friends of the Smokies.
- Appalachian Bear Rescue.
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The short music intro and outro is:
"Hickory Hollow" by Dan Lebowitz.
I love this music. Thank you, Dan.
This music is royalty free.