Nov 07 2024 22 mins
In this episode of Kitchen Table Conversations, Angela Geddes dives into the critical need for ongoing training to empower communities and clinicians in identifying, assessing, and supporting individuals who may have been prenatally exposed to alcohol or other substances. Angela emphasizes that building community capacity means developing clinicians who are not only competent, but also confident in their ability to screen and address the nuanced needs of people with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
Angela tackles the pervasive stigma surrounding FASD, highlighting how many adults living with this condition wish for a more direct and honest dialogue about the risks of alcohol or substance use during pregnancy. Many of them have shared that they feel it’s time to move past the fear of offending people and instead focus on delivering the powerful message: there is no safe amount, time, or type of alcohol for use during pregnancy. For Angela, framing this message as a “gift” can help prevent avoidable harm.
She also discusses how rising rates of alcohol consumption and sexually transmitted diseases bring new challenges to prevention efforts. Angela touches on the concept of "research fatigue," explaining that skepticism toward health warnings may cause some people to downplay these risks. For her, the solution lies in offering accurate information in a balanced and relatable way—exactly the goal of the Kitchen Table Conversations podcast. This platform serves as a space for open, honest discussions that help individuals make informed choices without shying away from hard truths.
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