Jan 14 2025 24 mins 2
Do you want to find more creativity in everyday life but get stuck figuring out what to do or how to start? This is the episode for you! Risa Williams and Hilary Kern discuss easy ways you can start to embrace creativity throughout regular life, especially for those out there who feel like they've lost touch with creativity or don't think of themselves as "artistic types." How can we begin to use art as a way to get inspired and find the playful and fun sides of ourselves more intentionally?
They discuss:
-Self-reception and self-expression
-Using creativity as a way to "get into the present moment"
-Finding inspiration in daily life
-Risa's Inspiration Journal tool from The Ultimate Self-Esteem Toolkit
-Connecting with parts of yourself that were creative when you were a little kid again
You can also hear a sample of Risa's audiobook, The Ultimate Self-Esteem Toolkit: The Inspiration Journal at the end of this episode.
And check out Risa's upcoming book, Get Stuff Done Without the Stress - and if you're in LA on Feb. 21st, you can hear her speak and get your book signed at Book Soup in Hollywood. Find out more at risawilliams.com.
A big thank you to all the first responders and firefighters in Los Angeles right now - thank you for all your heroic efforts - and please stay safe, everyone in LA!
Host: Risa Williams, risawilliams.com, @risawilliamstherapy
Guest: Hilary Kern, hilarykern.com, @hilarykerncreates
For info on books, workshops, guests, and future episodes, please visit: risawilliams.com.
*All tools discussed on the show are meant for educational purposes only and not as a replacement for therapy or medical advice.