Dec 31 2024 18 mins
As we usher in 2025, I find myself deeply reflective and excited about the year ahead. Whether you celebrated New Year's Eve by turning in early or dancing the night away, I hope your festivities were wonderful. I’m writing this with a sense of fresh beginnings and anticipation, and I wanted to share some of the goals I've set for this year.
Embracing New Beginnings
As many of you know from previous episodes, we have embarked on a huge transition. After moving from the border town of Goondiwindi in Queensland to our new home in the Echuca Moama region, we are ready to begin this exciting new chapter.
Personal Growth and Stability
This year, I am committed to slowing down and fostering stability within our family. It's been a whirlwind past few years, filled with big decisions and changes, from leaving our family farm to moving towns and schools. My aim in 2025 is to pause, reflect, and appreciate the journey.
Additionally, I am focusing on health and well-being. I've encountered some unexpected health challenges in the past 18 months, which have served as a reminder to care for my body and mind. Slowing down not only feels essential but vital for maintaining a balanced lifestyle.
Work and Play
My approach to work is undergoing a transformation in 2025. I've temporarily paused my coaching programs, desiring the headspace to focus on our move and settling in. Yet, I'm thrilled about leaning into my passion for writing in 2025. I plan to make writing my primary focus, while dedicating, I think at this stage, approx. one day a week to coaching and consulting. I'm especially excited about working on my upcoming non-fiction book centred around motherhood, and embarking on a children's book series as well.
The Road Ahead
While my goals for 2025 might seem loosely defined, they’re driven by an intention to live slower and more intentionally. I’m eager to witness what life unfolds when I maintain a high vibration and clarity in my thoughts and actions. I invite you to join me in reflecting on your own ambitions for the year.
What are your goals for 2025? Is there a word that encapsulates your hopes and intentions? Listen in to find out what mine is!
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