Jun 12 2023 35 mins
Isaiah 32:8 tells us that a noble man makes a noble plan, so he can stand on noble deeds.
If we aren't giving our young men noble plans and teaching them how to make them, how do we expect our sons to become men that stand on noble deeds?
As Father’s Day approaches, I chose a guest that would highlight one of the most important works that God has called Fathers to complete.
My guest, Dean Briggs, a father and stepfather to 7 boys, has carried the weight of this important mission heavily on his shoulders knowing that there are only a few brief years in which men can guide their sons into manhood.
Dean will share with us:
- The Virtues of Manhood
- How to help boys grow up to be godly men
- Highlights from his book: Brave Quest - An Interactive Journey for Young Men to Help Them Build A Godly Character
This book is a great resource for fathers looking for a fatherhood Spiritual Game Plan!
If you know someone who would enjoy this powerful rite-of-passage system for fathers and sons, be sure to share this and encourage them!
Whether you are listening for the first time or you've been a listener for a while, you may or may not know that on June 20th, 2023, I paused the
podcast. Since then, we lost our daughter.
I recently released a new episode discussing how I processed our year of firsts by creating Grief Conversation Cards. You can learn more in episode 236 and at cherifletcher.com. Thank you, Cheri