Apr 14 2023 81 mins
Please welcome the amazing Phoebe to the show today. It's so hard for me not to just front load the show with all of my incredible family members. I have to practice patience and space them out but let me tell you I'm so excited to share this heart-felt conversation with you. It's vulnerable, real, and it's going to be a treasured episode for me for sure. I hope you enjoy it. Please, please, please, share this episode and any of your favorites with your friends and family. It's the only way I know to grow the pod and reach more people like you. Thank you for your support and listening. If you would please click 5 stars or write a review on Apple/ITunes or share it to your instagram stories and tag me, I would be forever grateful.
Unexpectedly Yours,
A special thank you to Joseph Haggard for the music.
Find me on Instagram @neeleyreed