May 26 2023 62 mins
Jesika Gilmore is married to the love of her life, Cameron. They are a blended family and have been together for about 8 years. Their children are amazing but they have 4 PERFECT grandchildren who make the world go round!!! Sawyer, Knoxx, Scarlett, and Jrue.
Jesika has lived in several areas of the country and currently resides in Utah, which is her favorite so far!
She has experienced a lot of life and has many experiences that have shaped and molded her into who she is today. The hard times are never fun but in hindsight, she is grateful for it all because she wouldn't be who she is without them.
I really enjoyed my conversation with Jesika. She had some beautiful experiences to share how her and Cam brought their family together.
Please welcome, Jesika Gilmore.
A special thank you to Joseph Haggard for the music.
Find me on Instagram @neeleyreed