Dec 31 2024 18 mins
In this episode of Live Life Unapologetically, we’re diving into a common struggle: comparing your manifestation timeline to others. If you’ve ever thought, “Why hasn’t that happened for me yet?” or found yourself frustrated by someone else’s success, this episode is for you.
We’ll explore:
- Why comparing yourself to others creates resistance and blocks abundance
- What does manifestation time mean and why it’s not about clocks or calendars
- How to align with your unique journey and let go of comparison
You’ll also learn practical steps to:
- Reclaim your energy and attention when comparison arises
- Celebrate others’ successes as inspiration, not competition
- Practice gratitude and affirm your desires as if they’re already yours
Plus, I’ll share a quick visualization exercise to help you shift from comparison to alignment and embrace the limitless abundance waiting for you.
Tune in now and learn how to stop comparing, start aligning, and unlock the wealth you deserve!
Resources Mentioned in this Episode:
Manifest SHE Magazine
Manifest SHE Coaching
Manifest SHE Course/CEO Waitlist
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