In this vulnerable episode, I share my deeply personal journey through early miscarriage. I recount my spiritual pregnancy experience as I connected with my spirit baby through preconception, conception, loss, and continue to connect to this soul for guidance on a daily basis. Miscarriage is often a topic that is avoided in our society, and my hope is to help break the silence on the emotional, and often lonely road of grieving after early miscarriage and loss so mother's no longer carry the long term suffering that can impact them for decades if left unprocessed. Every story of loss is unique and must be processed individually. I offer comfort to all mothers who have experienced pregnancy loss in this episode, and validate the wide spectrum of emotions.
Join me for a thoughtful exploration of the many layers of miscarriage.
In this episode I also share about:
- My intuitive connection to my spirit baby prior to conception
- The unexpected difficulty of being present with the emotional journey through loss
- My experience feeling unworthy of grief due to societal stigma around miscarriage
- How to allow grief to be processed and how you must give yourself permission to feel and heal
- How I honored myself, my soul baby, and my grief through ceremony and daily connection to myself and this baby
- My experience of allowing this journey transform me in ways that all pregnancies do, however I believe that some babies are not meant to joy us in physical form
If you have experienced early loss, I hope this episode offers you a space to honor yourself, honor your baby, and honor your experience that is unique and healing to you on this very tender path. My heart goes out to you, and thank you for listening.
Connect with me on Instagram @thesomaticmother
Learn more about me and how we can work together by going to my website