Jul 13 2024 47 mins
In this episode, Heather and Kerissa chat with Clare Truman.
Clare Truman is an education consultant, author, PhD student, and big sister to an autistic young man. She specializes in supporting PDA children and young people to access education.
She is the author of ‘The Teacher’s Guide to Pathological Demand Avoidance: Essential Strategies for the Classroom’ published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers in 2021, and is currently completing a PhD exploring the educational experiences of PDA children and young people.
Clare has taught in mainstream schools, specialist schools, and alternative education settings. Now, through Spectrum Space, Clare provides distance learning packages for children and young people who cannot access school and supports professionals and families through training and consultancy to better meet the needs of PDA children and young people.
To learn more about Clare Truman, visit: https://spectrumspace.co.uk/
Join Heather & Kerissa as they share from an authentic & real-life perspective with in-depth conversations around neurodiversity, PDA autism profile, and the autistic experience. This, on occasion, includes sensitive and difficult topics. (Topics include but are not limited to mental health crisis, depression, anxiety, burnout, trauma, and suicidal ideation.) All listeners need to be aware of their own emotional well-being and ability to engage in such topics.
We offer connection, community & co-regulation. (And a few laughs!)
Journeys With PDA (Heather & Kerissa) and any special guests cannot diagnose or prescribe treatments. All information is for educational purposes.
To learn more about Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) autism profile, visit our website at https://journeyswithpda.com/
Heather & Kerissa are Certified PDA Trainers. They offer advocacy, education & family support through one-on-one coaching.