Jan 16 2024 54 mins
On the morning of February 13, 2009, in Escondido, CA, around approx. 7 am, 14-year-old Amber DuBois was seen walking to school. She wore a backpack that held a $200 check earmarked for her 4-H Club project, where she planned to purchase a lamb who she had already named Nannet.
Amber would never make it to school that day and it would be over a year before a break in her case would come when on February 25, 2010, 17-year-old Chelsea King vanished without a trace while on a run in Rancho Bernardo Park.
These cases would bring to light inexcusable issues with the judicial system when it comes to the sentencing, punishment, and monitoring of sexual offenders. You can continue the fight to advocate for harsher punishments through the support of Chelsea's Law in your state.
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Taken Too Soon: Amber Dubois and Chelsea King