Apr 30 2024 43 mins
In this episode of the Relational Psych Podcast, Dr. Claney delves into the transformative world of personalized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Join us as we explore how tailoring therapy to individual needs enhances its effectiveness and patient satisfaction. We discuss the evolution from traditional manual-based CBT to a more adaptive, patient-centric approach, examining its impact on mental health treatment. We cover the challenges, benefits, and practical applications of personalized CBT, making it a must-listen for therapists, psychology enthusiasts, and anyone interested in the future of mental health care.
Seattle Anxiety Specialists (SAS)
SAS’ psychiatric medication management program is stellar and is designed to overcome exactly the issues that have befell psychiatric medication management of late. We offer highly individualized care, with psychiatrists that maintain relatively small caseloads, who really take the time to get to know their patients (e.g., they only do two follow up appointments per hour rather than the 4 (or even 6!) appointments per hour that is sadly becoming more and more the norm.
SAS is launching a new group therapy program in the next couple of weeks that aims to provide a version of CBT that's grounded in its philosophical roots. "First wave" folks like Skinner were reading the Vienna Circle (including Wittgenstein), Beck and Ellis were reading ancient Greek and Roman philosophers like Epictetus when they developed the "2nd wave", Hayes and Linehan were reading and Buddhist philosophy as they developed the "third wave" (ACT, DBT, etc.). This group therapy program that I'm running is going to draw on these evidence based practices and do so in a way that really honors their philosophical foundations (which I'm especially well positioned to do because I've also got a graduate degree in philosophy).
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
Book Recs: Lots of newly minted providers are trained in CBT in their graduate programs, but the most important thing that these new providers need to do is to throw away their worksheets and adopt a process-based, case-conceptualization driven approach to the care they offer, and they can't go wrong by picking up one of these books to help them guide that transition:
- The Case Formulation Approach to Cognitive-Behavior Therapy by Jacqueline B. Persons
- Process Based CBT: The Science and Core Clinical Competencies of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy by Stefan G. Hofmann and Steven C. Hayes
- Learning Process-Based Therapy: A Skills Training Manual for Targeting the Core Processes of Psychological Change in Clinical Practice by Stefan G. Hofmann, Steven C. Hayes, and David N. Lorscheid
- Socratic Questioning for Therapists and Counselors: Learn How to Think and Intervene Like a Cognitive Behavior Therapist by Scott H. Waltman, R. Trent Codd, III, Lynn M. McFarr, and Bret A. Moore
- Schema Therapy: A Practitioner's Guide byJeffrey E. Young, Janet S. Klosko, and Marjorie E. Weishaar
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