Jen’s Natural Pregnancy at 41 after Premature Ovarian Failure

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May 06 2024 57 mins  

082. Jen lives in Charlotte, North Carolina with her husband Dave and their three children: Alli, her 11 year-old daughter, Taylor, her 8 year old daughter, Dylan, her 8 month old son. Jen had her first two daughters at 29 and 33. She never felt her family was complete and wanted a third. After a year of trying, she looked at fertility treatment and was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure. Her husband wasn’t willing to go use fertility treatment. It wouldn’t be until five years of trying until she got the surprise of her life. Join us as Jen shares her challenges to have her third baby and the anxiety she felt during her pregnancy.

If you are trying to have a baby over 40, I’d love to invite you to 40.40 Society! It’s a 6-week program that teaches you the same tools I used to have a good TTC experience and validate your feelings with bi-weekly small support groups. Join the wait list to be the first to know when the program is open to learn how to handle the ups and downs of TTC and feel supported through your journey:

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