Kerra’s Natural Pregnancy at 42 When Her Partner Couldn’t Have Children

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Jun 17 2024 85 mins  

088. Kerra lives in small town Graham, Texas with her husband and six boys. Kerra's journey to motherhood started when she was just 18 years old in high school. She went on to have four more boys with a previous marriage. Kerra had no intention of getting married again or having more children until her best friend turned into her husband. He told her he couldn’t have children because he had cancer a few years back. It didn’t matter to her because she already had five children, but in the back of her mind she always thought it might be possible. Join us as Kerra shares her shocking pregnancy at 42 and a delivery at home with a midwife.

If you are trying to have a baby over 40, I’d love to invite you to 40.40 Society! It’s a 6-week program that teaches you the same tools I used to have a good TTC experience and validate your feelings with bi-weekly small support groups. Join the wait list to be the first to know when the program is open to learn how to handle the ups and downs of TTC and feel supported through your journey:

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