Apr 06 2024 80 mins
In this Session of the Coffee House, Timothy Decker joins Jonny and John-Mark to discuss the practice of 'textual criticism' in biblical studies and pastoral ministry. They dig deep into the issue of whether the language of 'criticism' is helpful, how this practice has been a useful tool to the church in the past and why it still has relevance to the church today. They also touch on issues of church and state, preaching and academia, the relationship between systematic theology, biblical studies and pastoral ministry, and the place of the Johannine Comma (found in 1 John 5:7-8) within the Scriptures.
Timothy is Pastor at Trinity Reformed Baptist Church, VA and teaches New Testament at International Reformed Baptist Seminary and Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary. He has recently written "A Revolutionary Reading of Romans 13" and regularly blogs at CBTS where his articles on textual criticism and the Reformed Tradition can be found.
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