Oct 13 2023 44 mins
Episode 17: Pele Bennett |
Pele Bennett has dedicated over a decade to philanthropic endeavors and fostering positive change in underserved communities, particularly among Pacific Islander and Indigenous peoples. With a strong commitment to breaking systemic barriers, Pele has recently embarked on a transformative journey, focusing on fostering systems thinking and empowering marginalized communities.
Through her work, hosting charitable events, she’s launched two groundbreaking platforms, Tupu Times and Vā Beauty. These digital publications unapologetically center on Pasifika life, Indigenous storytelling and showcasing all aspects of people's lives, including culture, dancing, design, rooted health beliefs, and overall wellness. Pele aims to educate people from around the world about Polynesian customs and culture, ensuring that their rich heritage is celebrated and understood.
To further her contribution to challenging the status quo by bringing her Pacific Islander heritage to the forefront, Pele is developing her own beauty brand, Minoi, dedicated to celebrating natural beauty and bringing power to those whose hair was once considered unmanageable and unruly. She coined the phrase “T.H.I.C.,” which stands for Texture-rich, Hydrated, Individualistic, Curves or “The Hair In-between Curves.” She’s on a mission to address all aspects of hair care, focused on treatment, hydration, quality ingredients, proper cleansing, and empowering customers with knowledge to own their crown of curls.
Pele resides in Hawaii with her husband, Michael Bennett, and her 3 daughters. She is currently furthering her career as a beauty entrepreneur and spreading her knowledge and power of her Polynesian culture.
Pele sits down with us to talk about her inspirations, the power that gratitude has in her life, and the sense of community she felt on her recent trip to reconnect with family in Samoa. She shares about the current direction of her projects, as well as the passion she has for holding spaces that foster conversation among women.
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