Dec 01 2023 60 mins 1
Flora Dolci is a member of the French National Cross Country ski team. She has multiple top-20 results on the World Cup and is a fierce competitor, but I believe she is known more for how kind and sweet she is. Truly one of the nicest humans, always with a smile on her face and always looking to have fun. We talk about her path as a skier growing up in France, how she reached the National team and what she gets up to when she isn’t racing or training (like rock climbing, paragliding, studying, and being a part of the French army).
We chat about so many other topics like racing equi-distance and racing the first Women’s 50k Holmenkollen last year. We also discuss the community that builds cross country skiers and how similar the journey can be for a young American skier vs a young French skier. There are many paths to get to being a strong adult athlete and no one’s experience will look the same. Rather, Flora grew up trying all sorts of sports like karate and canoeing. She believes that learning to use your body in so many different ways and so many new skills, especially at a young age but even today, the more they can help contribute to strength, balance, agility, body awareness, which all come into play for cross country skiing. Overall, we share our joy for ski racing and our enthusiasm for outdoor activities!
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