Episode 5: The Book of Job, Chapters 25-37

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Apr 11 2023 36 mins  

We're almost through the book of Job.

It feels like Job is becoming more and more hopeless. He's definitely bitter.
And his friends continue to be unhelpful.

One thing that stuck with me after reading this section is how often we attribute natural events to the hand of God. This is something that I've long found interesting, and I hear it loud and clear in this passage. It brings to my mind the sacrifices and offerings that our ancestor humans would make in an effort to bring about favorable weather. Listen, I believe God is a provider (not only in a paternalistic way) and nurtures all of creation in seen and unseen ways. But when we start to view God's punishment and wrath vis-a-vis natural phenomenon, that's when my spirit says halt...danger!!

The diversity of ways/manners that God has worked through creation in the past is vast. My mind and heart continue to say "awwwwww/awe/whoa!!" at new cosmological and scientific discoveries.

ALSO - I'm looking for partners in this podcast!! Women who believe in the vision and want to join me in reading holy texts and related conversations (since there will be more than just me!). If you are interested or know someone who is, email me [email protected].