Feb 07 2024 35 mins
Follow Two Degens on X: @habits and @bridgexplore
Subscribe and listen to past episodes: twodegens.com
Kevin’s links
Kevin Kelly - 1997 - New Rules for the New Economy
Redphonecrypto’s 69 theses
Gwern’s list of things that have gotten better since the 90s
Jeff Lonsdale on information hazards
Jorge’s links
Mental model:
Blockchain is like CO2 / Electricity, and AI like plants/machines that thrive on it?
Would you openly give an AI assistant 10+ years of your text conversations (and everything else) knowing OpenAI had full control over it?
Vitalik – The promise and challenges of crypto + AI applications
Bittensor is a cult. Everyone I know who has spent more than 5min researching it is bullish, but no one can explain to me why. Never fade cults in crypto.
Potential market opportunities in the intersection of AI and Crypto
Consulting services for those applying for university -- $250,000 for a two-week intensive period that helps refine students' regular-decision applications before early January deadlines -- highlights the complex dynamics and pressures within the college admissions landscape.