#41 - when you avoid a thing by doing the thing you were already avoiding!

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Nov 22 2024 26 mins   1

So, tell me if you know this story.

This week I shopped for way too many groceries and then in an epic showing of avoiding what I SHOULD have been doing, I pulled everything out of the pantry, fridge and freezer. Yes all of it. Washed everything down and reorganized all food items in my life. I donated the "no-longer-what-I-want-to-be-eating-but-still-good", purged the outdated, composted the pickles that were gifted back in 2018 and scraped the gunk out from underneath the crisper draw.

Then and only then could I put away my massive grocery haul, full of the ingredients for no less than the 3 intensive meals to be made THIS week and meats to be turned into pressure canned meals. Yes, an activity that will take no less than 6,000 hours to complete.

Because, you know, it's the perfect time for that.

In the midst of a growing Christmas-gifts-to-make list, more work than I can accomplish and a fairly persistent case of the "mehs" (the sneaky kind that dull you down, but don't knock you out).

Why do we unearth the big, dirty project that we've been avoiding for months and do it, in a desperate frenzy, the moment we have other things that are arguably more important? To be fair, I found the big organization and clean-up to be like a giant, soothing exhale in my soul, aside from the guilt tucked in my belly that said, yes but what about the important and timely things? You have to do this RIGHT now?

This is actually one of my tips for life...when you're avoiding doing something important, simply drum up something even more important and in your frenzy to avoid that, you'll happily do the first one! You're welcome. (but don't tell me you're not already using this tip!)


But honestly, it was the soothing I was after, wasn't it? The feeling of having things in order and well-tended...and under control. Maybe that's where the "meh's" came in. I believe we do things for a reason. Not simply because we lack discipline (although I like to berate myself from time to time with the best of them, I mean honestly what was I thinking with the canning project right now?) but because we are out of balance or out of sorts and we're trying to right ourselves.

And that, that I can have empathy for. That pantry/canning project took my time and added stress to be sure, but it also gave me something. The soothing I mentioned earlier, the feeling of order and control, but also the satisfaction of a job started and completed and the security that comes from ready-to-eat meals in the (sparkly clean) pantry.

And while I didn't consciously choose to overload my compact shopping cart so much so that I had to swap it out for a larger one at the checkout, I was, after all, looking out for myself.

Aren't we amazing creatures!?!

Now to sit with those feelings I was trying to sooth and see where I can bring balance back into my life in a non-time consuming, frenzied way. Again and again and again...


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