Jan 23 2024 61 mins 1
“What Does Living for Jesus Look Like?”
Many of our discussions have recognized the fact that we are only enabled to love Jesus because he first loved us. But, if we are true recipients of his love, we are not merely recipients, we are also a people who become compelled by it! As recipients of Christ love, it changes us from what we were and begins to shape and mold us into who he created us to be, a godly people who reflect his own heart and ways.
So, what does that look like? Does it mean you never miss a church service or church event? Does it mean you read the Bible 3 times a year? Does it mean you only have Christian friends? Does it mean that you rarely sin? Join our discussion in this episode as we attempt to unpack the surface of some points to what living for Jesus actually looks like.
May God bless you and this time!