Jan 14 2025 81 mins
Allison and I chatted about her background, her love for birds, birding and exploring the RGV and the PNW, and the biology and conservation of Snowy Plovers. She is lead shorebird and waterbird biologist for WA State. It was awesome! Thanks for listening and thank you Allison! Follow these links...
Western Snowy Plover - U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Western Snowy Plover - Bird Alliance of Oregon
Oregon Parks and Recreation : Western Snowy Plover
Plovers | Audubon
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Thanks again!
All intro and exit audio:
Chuck-wills-widow in Post Oak Woods, Oklahoma by Levi M. Radford.
Swainson's Warbler in Smithgall Woods, Georgia by Mathew G. Radford.
Kentucky Warbler in Bixhoma Woods, Oklahoma by Mathew G. Radford.
White-eyed Vireo in Round Rock Oaks, Texas by Mathew G. Radford.
Gray Vireo in Oak Flats, Arizona by Mathew G. Radford
Spotted Owl in Pinery Canyon, Arizona by Mathew G. Radford
- Mathew G. Radford