Feb 21 2023 54 mins
On this episode we're talking sex, meat, taboos, bad times at French universities, good times at 4th of July bbqs, and killing our food! What's on the menu? It's the French cannibalistic college coming of age modern cult-classic Raw and the All-American red-as-they-come beef Burger. Love this film, love this sandwich - and love you for listening! What would you pair this sandwich with? What would you pair this movie with? Let me know what you're watching and eating at artemdirectly on IG and TikTok. Thanks for listening!
Music by: Nu Alkemi, The Night Train, Cast of Characters, Moments, Renderings, and Bryant Lowry
Whatcha eating & watching? Tell me about it! @scarysandwichpod & [email protected]
Original Art: Luther Thompson @tattsthompson
Horror Correspondent/Graphic Design: Antonia Lassar @antonialastar - check out Antonia on the Yenta Podcast !
Theme music: Liberty "Next Contestant Please"
All show music can be found on SoundStripe