Apr 08 2024 46 mins
The Green Industry podcast team jumps into mid-west horticulture with Michelle Catania, the Green Industry Outreach Coordinator at Morton Arboretum. This interview offers a journey through time, exploring the legacy of the Morton family, pivotal in the inception of Arbor Day and the establishment of the sprawling 1800-acre Morton Arboretum. The interview extends beyond the Morton family, exploring the Great Chicago Fire of 1871 and its impact on urban soil. The discussion addresses challenges beyond Chicago's boundaries, focusing on the hurdles prairie soils pose in nurturing tree growth. And what does a boat anchor have to do with planting trees?
Margaret Pickoff, Penn State Extension (host)
Tim Abbey, Penn State Extension (host)
Michelle Catania, Morton Arboretum’s Green Industry Outreach Coordinator
Image: Urban soils can be tough on trees in cities throughout the US. Vinnie Cotrone, Penn State Extension
Keeping It Green has an email: [email protected]
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Check out Penn State Extension's Green Industry Team website!