Jun 08 2023 20 mins
● 📚 Dr. Han started writing books on industry 4.0 in Korea in 2014, leading to the creation of the Industry 4.0 Association and the publication of over 200 books on the subject.
● 🌍 Dr. Han believes there is a need to train and educate people globally on industry 4.0, as many companies are interested but unsure where to start.
● 📊 He sees potential in China's adoption of industry 4.0 but notes that they still have progress to make in terms of implementing it effectively.
● 🏭 Dr. Han discusses the challenges faced by companies in the U.S., such as labor shortages and broken supply chains, and the need for industry 4.0 solutions.
● 🌐 He emphasizes the importance of communication and understanding of industry 4.0 concepts to facilitate global collaboration and progress.
● 📝 The terminology and focus of industry 4.0 have evolved over time, but the core idea of integrating companies remains crucial.
● 🇰🇷 Dr. Han praises the Korean government's efforts in promoting industry 4.0, with initiatives starting around 2014, ahead of other countries.