Mar 02 2025 33 mins
Best online EKG course you can finish in less than 4 hours:
Practical EKG Interpretation - Practical EMS
4 Category 1 CME credits - Fundamentals through advanced interpretation
Welcome our new panel Eddie and Casey, two very experienced paramedics
27 and 48 years in the field
Casey talks about AI potential in the field and a study he was involved in. Will AI help us or improve patient care? Will humans be needed at all?
Can AI replicate your gestalt?
Is our gestalt worth trusting normally anyway?
Why do we see so many paramedics using the career as a steppingstone to other careers, I certainly viewed it this way when I was a paramedic
Eddie talks about starting in EMS because he knew it was the right thing to do. It feels like that is getting lost due to the softening of medicine. Becoming a paramedic was harder, the barrier to entry was harder. Have we lost our pride in this being a career rather than a job?
I remember having a lot of accountability from my peers when I was a new paramedic. I had some level of fear that I would be criticized by other crews and physicians if I didn’t perform well
Is part of the difference a lack of feedback from peers and physicians?
Has EMS gotten too soft?
Casey wonders if we are not putting enough emphasis on accountability to our peers because of fear of offending people
We talk about how much fear there used to be of the medical directors. But the environment has changed positively in a lot of ways as we learn and grow from mistakes more than getting punished for them
We talk about being a new EMT, being cocky
Where are the people that want to stay as a paramedic as a career? Not everyone is cut out to make it a long-term career
Some people get stuck in EMS, Eddie and Casey were more intentional about choosing it as their life
For some people it’s a job, for some it’s a life
How we present ourselves to the patient is important, we have limited time to make an impression and gain their trust
EMS has had periods where different services have just needed “butts in seats” and maybe this led to decreased expectations
Full show notes can be found here: Episodes - Practical EMS - Content for EMTs, PAs, Paramedics
Most efficient online EKG course here: Practical EKG Interpretation - Practical EMS earn 4 CME and learn the fundamentals through advanced EKG interpretation in under 4 hours.
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Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice nor used to diagnose any medical or healthcare conditions.