Jan 01 2025 98 mins 3
We start where we left off in Part 1: Dostoevsky the romantic wakes up and realizes he lives in the underground, filled with resentment, frustrated ambition, and tormenting idols. The underground man struggles to break free in the character of Raskolnikov from Crime and Punishment and the teacher in The Gambler.
We then encounter formidable idols that attract and foment underground passions all around them: Prince Myshkin in The Idiot and Nikolai Stavrogin in The Possessed. Dostoevsky shows how such demons cannot lead anywhere but destruction. The author depicts the depths of rebellion as a human universal and as a particular of his place and age.
Finally, in The Brothers Karamazov, the Devil has a mask-off moment and shows his face. But Christ also shows up. The demonic nature of the underground torment and fascination is fully revealed. Christ stands accused by the Grand Inquisitor, who wants to build a society without him. But only Christ can reveal the perdition of obsessing over idols, enemies, and sinful fathers, whom one inevitably ends up imitating, and the way out that obsession and into a whole, undivided humanity.