Stanza 1 // God’s Word comes in the flesh to those who are bound to the ways of the earth to give a promise that will “pierce the darkness” - even to those who would reject Jesus Christ.
Stanza 2 // This promise is not new, but one of mercy God consistently gave to those who were both “blind and willful” - much as described in this weekend’s Gospel reading. Christ continually seeks those who do not want Him - even those who killed Him - that we might know the mercy of Almighty God.
Stanza 3 // God’s Word and promise is not only relevant in his hometown, and though unwelcomed by sinful hearts, God’s compassion is seen in the face of Christ, which extends through all ages that we might know the Lord’s unfair justice and abounding grace.
Stanza 4 // As this weekend’s reading concludes, so this hymn also ends with a call of sending to “every land and race” that “myriad tongues” may celebrate the gift of God in Jesus Christ.
ELW 507 - O God of Light - ATKINSON
ELW 509 - God’s Word Is Our Great Heritage - EIN FESTE BURG
ELW 513 - Listen, God is Calling - NENO LAKE MUNGU
ELW 514 - O Word of God Incarnate - MUNICH
ELW 517 - Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word - ERHALT UNS, HERR
ELW 519 - Open Your Ears, O Faithful People - YISRAEL V’ORAITA
ELW 575 - In Christ Called to Baptize - ST. DENIO
ELW 579 - Lord, You Give the Great Commission - ABBOT’S LEIGH
ELW 675 - O Christ, Our Light, O Radiance True - O JESU CHRISTE, WAHRES LICHT
ELW 737 - He Comes to Us as One Unknown - REPTON
LBW 230 - Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word - ERHALT UNS, HERR
LBW 231 - O Word of God Incarnate - MUNICH
LBW 239 - God’s Word Is Our Great Heritage - EIN FESTE BURG
LBW 380 - O Christ, Our Light, O Radiance True - O JESU CHRISTE, WAHRES LICHT
LSB 523 - O Word of God Incarnate - MUNICH
LSB 582/582a - God’s Word Is Our Great Heritage - REUTER // EIN FESTE BURG [alternate]
LSB 655 - Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word - ERHALT UNS, HERR
LSB 833 - Listen, God is Calling - NENO LAKE MUNGU
LSB 836/836a - O God of Light - ATKINSON
LSB 839 - O Christ, Our True and Only Light - O JESU CHRISTE, WAHRES LICHT
RH 70 - God’s Word Is Our Great Heritage - EIN FESTE BURG
RH 71 - Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word - ERHALT UNS, HERR
RH 266 - From Greelnad’s Icy Mountains - MISSIONARY HYMN