Stanza 1 // This hymn provides remarkable contrast between the questions in this weekend’s Gospel text. Here, Christ - enthroned in heavenly splendor - is the same Lord who comes down from heaven to give us “true and living bread!” This leads to shouts of “alleluia” meaning “praise the Lord!”
Stanza 2 // The contrast between God enthroned in splendor and yet present is given further specificity - we worship not only with saints on earth but those in heaven! Though we may ask many questions, Christ is present in the “lowliest form” of bread and wine to give us Himself.
Stanza 3 // When Jesus gives us Himself, all offering and sacrifice is finished - just as Christ speaks from the cross. The “fullness” of this work remains “undiminished” even today, as our Lord gives us Himself in bread and wine by a Word, that our “souls” might be “cleansed from every stain.”
Stanza 4 // The “life-imparting heavenly manna” and “striken rock with streaming side” are not simply Old Testament images, but here help us sing of Jesus Christ flesh and blood given to sinners. For this reason, heaven and earth rejoice, for our Lord is risen, ascended, and glorified, that all people might have life forever.
ELW 475 - Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor // BRYN CALFARIA
ELW 472 - Eat This Bread - BERTHIER
ELW 475 - Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor - BRYN CALFARIA
ELW 476 - Thee We Adore, O Savior - ADORO TE DEVOTE
ELW 488 - What Feast of Love - GREENSLEEVES
ELW 494 - For the Bread Which You Have Broken - OMNI DIE
ELW 542 - O Living Bread from Heaven - AURELIA
ELW 618 - Guide Me Ever, Great Redeemer - CWM RHONDDA
LBW 172 - Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor - BRYN CALFARIA
LBW 197 - O Living Bread from Heaven - AURELIA
LBW 199 - Thee We Adore, O Hiden Savior, Thee - ADORO TE DEVOTE
LBW 200 - For the Bread Which You Have Broken - OMNI DIE
LBW 343 - Guide Me Ever, Great Redeemer - CWM RHONDDA
LSB 534 - Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendor - BRYN CALFARIA
LSB 640 - Thee We Adore, O Hiden Savior, Thee - ADORO TE DEVOTE
LSB 642 - O Living Bread from Heaven - ACH GOTT VOM HIMMELREICHE
LSB 918 - Guide Me, O Thou Redeemer - CWM RHONDDA
RH 221 - Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah - CWM RHONDDA