Feb 14 2025 23 mins
Today, we will be launching a multi-part series into the differences and similarities between the three Abrahamic Religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
This study hopes to identify insights into how can we all (all people of God and all people of Faith) co-exist in Peace. WHAT principles, doctrines and human morality DO OUR FAITHS SHARE and leave everything else off to the side.
The Abrahamic religions are a grouping of three major religions that revere Abraham in their scripture. These religions are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Abrahamic religions make up the largest total number of adherents. Christianity and Islam comprise the largest and second-largest religious movements in the world, respectively. According to 2024 estimates, there are 2.4 billion Christians in the world, 2 billion followers of Islam and 16 million Jewish followers.
My reasoning for focusing of the three Abrahamic faiths, versus others…is simple. These are three that seem to fight over everything.
Why does God, Yahweh, and Allah, differ so radically within each of these Faiths?
To begin, we need to first ask, what do we, all faiths, share in common AND where do we differ?
Is it possible that even today, the story of Babel has yet to conclude? Are we still all living in Babel? Purposely and divinely still unable to communicate and if so…why?
Even though all three revere Abraham as significant to their faith, there are significant differences. For example, the common Christian doctrines of Jesus' Incarnation, the Trinity, and the resurrection of Jesus, are NOT ACCEPTED in Judaism nor Islam.
While Judaism and Islam acknowledges and mentions Jesus in their scriptures, they DO NOT revere Jesus as anything more than a prophet. He is not the Messiah and He is not the Son of God.
Why is understanding this important?
Today, in the daily discussion of 2025, in every nation regardless of stated or written doctrines, the concept that there is a separation of Church and State is NOT practiced. Religious beliefs are deeply untwined in and inseparable in geopolitics.
Until all nations and faiths can learn to coexist peacefully, we ALL suffer falling short of what God the Creator intended for ALL his people!
All Abrahamic religions accept the tradition that God revealed himself to the patriarch Abraham. All of them are monotheistic, (meaning worshiping an Exclusive God), although one who is known by different names.
Polytheism Is a belief in or worship of more than one God. In context, Christians are Polytheistic because they adopt the concept and relationship of the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Three uniquely empowered entities, yet all one acting together.
OUR NEXT SHOW WILL DIG DEEPER INTO THE DIFFERENT FAITHS; the significance of Jerusalem and what each Faith deems Holy Land and why.
Study References and Sources:
Christianity in View: www.christianityinview.com/xncomparison.html
Stats Reference Source: World Population by Religion: A Global Tapestry of Faith
BY PAM WASSERMAN | January 12, 2024