#112 The Beef Stew Theory with Dr. Katylynn Sloan

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Jan 12 2025 95 mins   19

In this episode, Cameron Ford interviews Dr. Katylynn Sloan, a chemist with the United States Secret Service, who specializes in canine detection and odor availability. They discuss her extensive background in explosives research, recent publications on canine training, and the importance of understanding odor dynamics in detection work.

Dr. Sloan emphasizes the significance of surface area, temperature, and generalization in training dogs, as well as the challenges posed by packaging and standards in the field. The conversation aims to bridge the gap between scientific research and practical application for canine handlers. In this conversation, Katylynn Sloan and Cameron Ford delve into the complexities of odor detection training for dogs, discussing the challenges of teaching dogs to recognize different odors, the importance of understanding vapor pressure, and the implications of using synthetic and alternative training aids.

They also address the evolving threats in explosive detection, emphasizing the need for handlers to stay informed and adapt their training methods accordingly. In this conversation, Cameron Ford and Katylynn Sloan discuss the complexities of bomb detection, focusing on the evolution of explosive materials, the importance of understanding chemical mixtures, and best practices for bomb dog handlers.

They emphasize the need for comprehensive training that includes exposure to various materials and mixtures, as well as collaboration with local bomb techs and adherence to safety standards.

To contact Dr. Sloan email [email protected]

Manipulation of Odor Availability paper https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.frontiersin.org%2Fjournals%2Fallergy%2Farticles%2F10.3389%2Ffalgy.2024.1445570%2Ffull%3Ffbclid%3DIwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR3MM6785tXW49f94Bu32CP5weGp4w0lwX1izaE4m22VmfMnoNKXlDaD8qA_aem_fUV7ANAV8KkGdTq92PYy1w&h=AT0n95-NOzNFvO3HhiqH1J_XQCOKFwKUBmAczc_SPM4SShSZwdX_YwkRHrHi1j4SNmqF8zpRDSjWGAv2ggFL5vCrMqx9D5vaiIZi3Shf2IUDxX4uIt0eUqwDj2pVPBww_Xsf8iU_ig&__tn__=-UK-R&c%5B0%5D=AT11zQWZGxBzOe6Z6LJArD527zqP6acY89_7Wrz0JKqH2L8Xi1-2V4v-gOf20gAIOM2eX1vtOA1VNHA7pJDMKTnovrluGyIZLUSYxU6TAcry0eoUBJRW3BSMyqYPBlUyBOdAH7teK8d81OY_9tgT883jXBLKIAE1GtoYGFQKfUE-i-Hwduk


Getxent http://www.getxent.com

Precision Explosives for all your odor soak and explosive needs http;//www.pre-exp.com

Ford K9 for everything Detection Dogs from Webinars, online classes, seminars and Handler/Trainer Schools http://www.FordK9.com