Apr 28 2024 49 mins
Camille Kiefel is a 33-year old detransitioner from Oregon. She grew up as a sensitive child when she was warned against dangerous men, and when her childhood friend fell victim to assault at the hands of her own brother. From a very young age, she learnt that the world and the men in it are dangerous for women. Camille relates how difficult adolescence and young adulthood was. She battled generalised anxiety disorder, undiagnosed sensory-integration issues, major depression, ADHD and complex PTSD. To her, becoming a man would rid her of her vulnerabilities, and her activism would bring about positive change in this world. She saw, instead, how her mental health continued to deteriorate up to the point when she resorted to gender medicine. She started consulting with a gender therapist in her mid-20s. None of the conventional therapy modalities seemed to work. When she was 29 years old, she expressed her wish to have a double mastectomy, and after only a few consultations, the surgery was performed. A year and a half later, she regretted it. Researching alternative approaches to treat her mental health, including hyperbaric oxygen therapy, changing her diet, and body-integration type modalities, she saw a marked improvement in her physical and mental health. Camille has since formed her own organisation aimed at helping detransitioners recover from malpractice, due to the blind adherence to ideology, as opposed to responsible, systematic, best practice.
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Discussion on treatment modalities should not be taken as medical advice.
Camille's website: https://www.camillekiefel.com/
The Critical Therapy Antidote website: https://criticaltherapyantidote.org/
Twitter: @TherapyAntidote
RSS feed: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2119167.rss