This podcast was done out of necessity. There is an attack today against the Word of God such as we’ve never seen in the history of the world. The righteous standard & holiness of God declared within the Holy Scriptures is being bombarded from every angle. The common ideology of social culturalism continuously stands against the authority of God and His Word. The proponents of these social agendas have one purpose, to dethrone God & silence the voices of all the true born-again Christians that haven’t sold their soul to compromise in the name of humanity. The issues of abortion, gender dysphoria & same sex relationships, to name a few, are not political issues. They are moral issues in which the Bible has something to say about. Psalm 11:3 declares, “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (King James Version). In this 13th episode of The Vine I continue with the series of ‘Real Christianity’ and discuss in detail of how to study the Bible to equip the believer so they may sanctify the Lord God in their hearts & be ready always to give an answer to every person that asks them a reason of the hope that in is them with meekness and fear. (1 Peter 3:15).