Sep 18 2023 21 mins
Going on holidays to your home country or returning home after living abroad can feel like stepping into a parallel universe. As your host, Francesca, I reveal how I navigated my own journey through this disorienting maze in an episode dedicated to the fascinating subject of reverse culture shock. With the backdrop of an Italian native living in Scotland, I take you through my personal experiences of readjusting to life in a familiar place that somehow feels unfamiliar. Together, we'll explore the emotional turbulence, social challenges, and cultural puzzles that come with this complex experience.
But rest assured, there's light at the end of this maze, and I share actionable tips on how to work through reverse culture shock in the least traumatic way possible. No, it's not about racing through, but rather taking it slow, and integrating habits and customs from your host culture into your newfound reality. We'll delve into how to manage the struggles and conundrums of reverse culture shock, underscoring the importance of understanding that each individual's experience and circumstances are unique. Have you lived abroad and now find yourself back home, feeling like a stranger? This episode is your guide to making the transition as smooth as possible.
We are here, too is a podcast about mental health and life abroad, hosted by Francesca Lo Verso, an Italian counsellor living in Scotland.
We are here, too exists thanks to the support of friends, family and those of you whose testimony of life abroad inspired me. Thank you!
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Host and editor: Francesca Lo Verso
IG: @francesca_counselling
FB: francescaloversocounselling
Email: [email protected]
Cover illustration: Candela Sánchez
IG: @delasre_draws
Music: Su San
TikTok: susanwithaspace
Spotify: Su San