Aug 01 2023 38 mins
Did you know our romantic relationships can be our greatest teachers? I recently got out of what I consider to be a twin flame relationship and it taught me a LOT about myself as both a romantic partner and as a person. In this episode, your favorite Spiritual Bimbo is going to be digging deep and revealing the most important lessons that I took from that recent experience.
If you don’t already know, a twin flame connection is INTENSE, guys. It’s when you meet someone who is just like you and you click on so many levels. But… as you can imagine, dating someone who shares so many of your traits (both the good AND the bad) can make twin flame relationships very tumultuous.
Fortunately, I always seek to grow and improve with every new romantic relationship. And this time around was no different. From creating boundaries to realizing why monogamy (ish) is my preferred style of relationship, there is a lot that I cover in this episode.
Think your own relationships could be better?
If so, this episode is for you!
“Relationships are our greatest teachers.”
-Isabella James
0:00 - Intro
4:50 - The Problem with Playing the Victim
8:04 - What is a Twin Flame Relationship?
10:06 - Create & Respect Boundaries
16:30 - Being Alone Allows You to Heal
17:06 - My Preferred Romantic Relationship is Monogamous (w/ possibilities)
29:02 - Believe in Yourself
30:28 - You Have to Fill Your Own Cup Before Others’
36:06 - Be Aware of Your Deep-Rooted Patterns
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