Apr 24 2023 4 mins
Topic 1: The U.S. House of Representatives, 19 states, and many cities joined in on proclaiming March 26-April 1, National Cleaning Week in addition to hundreds of companies participating in promoting the week in their own unique ways.
Topic 2: A federal bill would expand overtime eligibility to salaried employees who earn up to $45,000 per year, up from $35,568, and increase the threshold each year to about $82,700 by 2027, Human Resources Director reported.
Topic 3: The Biden administration’s last regulatory agenda targeted May for release of a Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) which would change the regulations governing the exemptions to federally mandated overtime pay.
ISSA signed on to a coalition letter to President Joe Biden regarding the ongoing West Coast port labor negotiations between the International Longshore and Warehouse Union and Pacific Maritime Association.
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