Join the REMS TA Center for an exciting episode in which Whytley Jones (District of Columbia Homeland Security and Emergency Risk Management Agency [DC HSEMA]) shares a school behavioral threat assessment success story. Whytley explains how collaboration, integral to DC HSEMA’s founding, is a key factor in helping public schools, private schools, and institutions of higher education (IHEs) prevent behavioral emergency incidents. This episode explores
- What is DC HSEMA, and how does it partner with schools and IHEs to implement threat assessments?
- How did DC HSEMA employ referral, intervention, and follow-up to provide support for a person of concern?
- What steps can schools take to form collaborative partnerships that foster successful outcomes?
- How does a multidisciplinary approach benefit school emergency operations plans?
- Why is training so important for school safety?
REMS TA Center Resources
Collaboration and Community Partnerships: Strategies for Effective School and Higher Ed Emergency Operations Plan Development (Fact Sheet)
Forming a School Behavioral Threat Assessment Team (Webinar)
Other Resources
Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency, DC HSEMA, (Website)
Protect DC, Government of the District of Columbia (Web Page)
SchoolSafety.Gov, SchoolSafety.Gov (Web Page)
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