Mar 25 2024 10 mins
Sometimes life feels like we are in a boxing ring. Sometimes it’s just downright a freaking dog fight. Hopefully, that’s not how it is all the time for us but sometimes, it definitely can feel this way. I have found myself in the ring MANY times at this point, more than I can count and more than I’d like to admit to. I think there are many of us that are in a ring and don’t even understand who our opponent is, what it is that we are even rumbling with. For the majority of the time I spent in the ring of life, needing to fight my way onto sunnier paths, I have not known who or what my opponent really was. I’m in a ring, shuffling back and forth, swinging at shadows and ghosts. All my efforts doing nothing for me, because I can’t land a punch to anything other than air. So much anger and frustration and exhaustion and grief. Shadows and ghosts, shadows and ghosts.