Jan 28 2025 121 mins
Trials is for Everyone - Jump into the Latest Destiny News With Shrouded Gaming.
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This week on This Week at Shrouded, we delve deep into Bungie's latest updates. Our discussion centers on the recent weapon and armor adjustments, highlighting significant buffs and nerfs that are set to reshape gameplay dynamics. We also explore the upcoming changes to the Crucible, noting the increased baseline ability cooldown penalties and their potential impact on player strategies. Additionally, we celebrate the remarkable success of our Game2Give Charity Campaign, expressing gratitude to our generous community. For those interested in contributing further, donations can be made through our campaign link. Join us for an in-depth analysis of these updates and a celebration of our community's achievements!
Game2Give Campaign Link - https://donate.tiltify.com/0649d797-fa9c-4c2e-a39e-95ec70c17bf4/incentives
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Congratulations to Our Silver Giveaway Winners 🏆
2300 Silver Winner: Sunberrrrrrr
SGC T-shirt Winner: rrkpbender
Thank you for tuning in, and get ready for more exciting episodes coming your way! 🚀
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