Oct 01 2024 68 mins
This is an exciting podcast for us since it’s our 100th episode! Wow! We are so grateful for every one of our guests who have joined us to encourage us in our faith and in loving our family well. We are also truly grateful for all of you who have tuned in, listened, and supported the ministry of the Growing Home Together podcast.
We have the honor of welcoming some of our favorite people to the show for this very special episode—our oldest son, Josh, with his wife, Cassie, and our oldest daughter, Emma, and her husband, Adonis. They’ve given us some of the greatest gifts of our lives, our grandbabies, and they’re here to help us accomplish three goals:
- We want to grow our empathy for young couples and parents in this season.
- We want to learn how to serve as a support system.
- And we want to gain some ideas for how to connect with our grandchildren as they grow.
Listen in as our family shares their wisdom and perspective on these topics and more. We hope you enjoy this special conversation! It was so fun!
Show Notes: growinghometogether.com/teigen-family-100