Jan 31 2025 14 mins
We are living in unbelievably uncertain times. Many of us are feeling a deep sense of grief and loss – for humanity and our beloved planet. As I tend my own grief and hold the collective grief of others, I lean into nature, her comfort and wisdom. If we lean into our grief, we feel its entanglement with love. They are intertwined. Love is the wellspring from which we experience joy, gratitude, and grief. It grows from our profound presence and awareness. Love is the most authentic and creative state of being. In love, we recognize or “see” each other in a state of deep acknowledgement. In turn, we kindle our circle of belonging and kinship – to nature, to ourselves, and to each other. What we love we honor and protect, deepening the authentic relationships with others that soothe and support us in times of sorrow.
In Season 3, my podcast programming this year is simple – love letters to nature. I invite you to join me in this collaborative project to reweave ourselves to the natural world and each other. Share your love letters with me at [email protected] and I will read your loving words to nature on my podcast. How does nature make you feel, how does she sustain you, support you, inspire you, excite you? Read your letters to nature and listen for a response. What wisdom does she offer you? As we profess our deep love and gratitude to our source of life, let us deepen our sense of place, purpose, and sense of belonging.
This month, I leaned into the still, slow, dark days of winter and connected to snow, songbirds, and a stunning winter sky. Listen in as I read my January love letter to nature. What moments of joy, love, and gratitude did nature offer you in January?