Jan 28 2025 97 mins
In this critically important podcast, attorney Andy Barnhart breaks down an important medical malpractice case that will be heard by the Minnesota Court of Appeals on February 5. This case has national implications because the defense is using Covid and the PREP Act to excuse the behavior of the defendant hospital, which has also asked the court for this case to be used to set precedent. Andy is a warrior who has humbly accepted God’s call on his life. He has become a personal friend and trusted ally.
We also discuss how we got to this point and how the medical industrial establishment can legally kill us.
We can support Andy through the non-profit, Covid Justice MN and by attending the hearing either in person or remotely.
Andy Barnhart has been licensed to practice law in Minnesota since 2011. Andy is also a paramedic, and worked in emergency medicine throughout the Covid-19 pandemic and saw firsthand the devastation caused by the Covid-19 hospital protocols. Andy would prefer to ". . . live quietly, and to mind [his] own affairs" - I Thessalonians 4:11, but the way the Covid-19 pandemic was used to push lies, fear and control compels him to focus his legal efforts in bringing to justice those people and institutions responsible for the death and suffering they have caused. Andy has ten wrongful death actions commenced in Minnesota involving 4 healthcare systems. Andy feels underqualified and ill-equipped for this monumental task of bringing large and powerful institutions to justice, but he is convinced that "God does not call the qualified, he qualifies the called." - Mark Batterson, The Circle Maker: Praying Circles Around Your Biggest Dreams and Greatest Fears. Andy founded Covid Justice MN in early 2023, and his legal work is now exclusively focused in this area. Andy has a wife and 2 children, and they live several miles outside a small town in Central Minnesota where he and his family raise sheep, chickens and vegetables.
Link for this episode:
PowerPoint - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7mjg6y8qcotod8q584koe/Andy.pptx?rlkey=gjztiswhlrm8mkhcesmcnmdo3&st=n4qw3ivg&dl=0
Study: Doctors Kill More Than Diseases Do https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNIHSNwbO6E
Roos v. Health Partners Oral Argument - Remote https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/s7ixsxuabul7dxu31ul2s/Roos-v.-Health-Partners-Oral-Argument-Remote-1.pdf?rlkey=ksymybcjm9glmyz0sh4qdvvto&st=e3ej7g43&dl=0
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