Nov 26 2024 30 mins 1
Do you think we owe something to our future descendants who will be painfully aware of our actions, or lack of action? Our radical alteration of the climate does not end in the year 2100. Let's go out eight generations, that is about 200 years. What do you imagine your distant relatives, in the year 2200, will think about the world that they inherited from us? Are we living at peak civilization? Is this is as good as it's ever going to get? It's worth a listen.
2. Every major auto manufacturer in the world is betting their futures on Electric Cars. Do you see a lot of Electric Cars in advertisements? Do you see a lot of Electric Vehicles on the streets? Electric cars not selling. Weren't Electrics going to save us? Tune in and find out what the biggest speed bump is to our bright future.
3. Better Living through Chemistry: A thoughtful observation of living with the 84,000 man-made chemicals we share the earth with.
4. And finally, we are introducing a new feature: "A Little Bit of Outrage".
The outrage is, even if we went to 100% renewable energy, that only solves 70% of our emissions problems. The truth is all our celebrated green energy is simply adding to our fossil fuel capacity, so now we can use both to keep on doing what we have been doing.