HAVING A SPIRITUAL AWAKENING: Learn about all the different spiritual guidance and healing modalities. Differences between psychics, mediums, Channeler’s, telepathy, animal telepathy, animal communicators, horse whisperers, animal whisperers, empaths and energy healers, Reiki, Pranic Healing, etc.
Loi Jane is a professional, international Animal Communicator and Pranic Healer and works remotely or in-person on specific issues including: behavioral, emotional, obedience, physical & health issues, injury, trauma, behavioral, emotional issues, end of life decisions, animal mirroring or even talking to them in spirit, past lives and locating lost animals. She also channels angels, guides, higher soul and the innate body for others. She also teaches classes and workshops on all of these different techniques and modalities
To book a session go to animals-speak.com or animals-speak.com or Wanna learn animal communication or mind, body, spirit classes? Join her in her upcoming Classes & Workshops at mindbodyspiritworkshops.com
Book a Session at: https://animals-speak.com/
Workshop, Training, Classes at: https://mindbodyspiritworkshops.com/