Oct 26 2023 12 mins
Does the thought of Halloween candy conjure up scary feelings of being out control when candy is in the house? If you’re feeling stressed about keeping Halloween candy in your house for fear you will binge eat the candy and not be able to control yourself until the candy is out of the house, this episode is for you.
Here’s what I want you to know. It’s completely possible to keep your favorite Halloween candy in the house without feeling out of control. And you can eat Halloween candy without bingeing!
In this episode, I’m sharing strategies to help you ditch the fear, regain control and create a more balanced, peaceful relationship with the Halloween candy bowl.
You’ll learn specific behavioral, and mindset shifts that will help you fully enjoy and feel in control around all of your favorite holiday treats before, during and after Halloween night.
If you find this content helpful and inspiring, please LEAVE A REVIEW + SHARE your favorite episodes with others who struggle with food and body issues so they can get support to heal their relationship with food and rebuild body confidence.
Looking for more support on your journey to food freedom and body acceptance?
· New to Intuitive Eating? Download my FREE guide – QuickStart Tips to Get Started with Intuitive Eating.
· Ready to go deeper? Check out my course, The Intuitive Eating Academy.
· Need help taming your inner mean girl? Download my FREE guide - Navigating Bad Body Image Days.
· Do you find it difficult to trust your body’s cues to eat when you are hungry & stop when you are satisfied? Download my Free Guide –5 Steps to Reconnect with Hunger & Fullness.
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