In this episode of The Horse Business Podcast, we talk with Juan Guillermo Angarita, owner of the Criadero Araguaney in Piedecuesta, Santander, Colombia.
Criadero Araguaney is dedicated to breeding and raising exceptional Colombian horses, a breed known for its strength, and unique gait. Juan Guillermo shares his passion for these magnificent horses, the history and significance of the Colombian horse, and the hard work and tradition that goes into breeding and raising them.
We explore his journey as a breeder, the values of Criadero Araguaney, and what makes Colombian horses different. Whether you’re an equestrian enthusiast or new to the world of horses, this conversation is sure to inspire and give you a deeper appreciation for the culture behind the Caballo Criollo Colombiano.
Learn more about Criadero Araguaney at
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