In this discussion, we explore the flow state, how it feels, and the ancient gifts of self knowledge and awareness that it brings. When we tap into the deep, stabilizing rhythms of nature, we find stillness, peace, love, and coherence with all that surrounds us - like the slow, quiet, and timeless suspension we might feel in the depths of the ocean.
It’s easy to get complacent about our everyday lives - we get into our routines, lean on our habits, and our brains fill in the rest for us. What if we stepped out of the box society has put around us - the one that says you get your new car, the latest iPhone, the best job, and post it all on social media until you die? What if we actually experienced the world that is always around us? There is so much to explore and see and feel if you can bring your awareness to the present moment and find wonder in the ordinary.
You can tune in on your front steps or travel thousands of miles away to find that relaxed, intense, focused concentration. And when you do, you may just discover your authentic self is waiting for you . . . waiting for you to own it. Finding that space where you recognize yourself and your connection to everyone and everything else - that is love. Disconnecting from the fears and doubts of the critical mind to recognize the rhythm of your being - that is love.
Podcast Participants
William Brown -
Christine Dickson -
Terry Kuebler -
Shea Stewart -
Kerri Lake -
Music by Mark Rashid