The power of education: CALHN expertise leaves a lasting legacy

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Mar 19 2024 19 mins  

CALHN Our People podcast | Season 1 Episode 6 |

We speak to CALHN Nurse Educator Joy Booth about the impact of her role educating Central Adelaide perioperative nursing staff and upskilling health care workers in Timor Leste, also known as East Timor.

Joy has worked at the Royal Adelaide Hospital for more than 30 years and during that time has undertaken 10 visits to Timor with the Overseas Specialist Surgical Association of Australia, or OSSAA, to share her knowledge and skills to support our closest overseas neighbour.

Joy is a Nurse Educator working in the Technical Suites at the Royal Adelaide Hospital. She has specialised in orthopaedics and trauma surgery and spent 25 years as a senior instrument/circulating clinician before transitioning into leadership and education. Joy has served as Squadron Leader in the RAAF for 10 years, bringing her trauma surgery expertise to the military.

If you want to get in touch with us please contact the Central Adelaide Local Health Network.